I haven’t exercised in many years. Will I be able to keep up?

Yes, I offer modifications so that every person is working to the best of her ability! Also, don’t worry about “keeping up” with anyone else. No one is judging you. This is about YOU and starting to take care of yourself is the first big step.

Do I need equipment for the zoom and/or the on demand videos?

Some Zoom and on-demand videos will encourage the use of weights or bands but props are not required. I aim to show you how you can use your own body weight to get stronger and leaner, even in a small space in your living room without any props. That said, a mat is pretty useful and I do encourage clients to own weights and a foam roller for their own benefit.

Check out my equipment recommendations here.

I have a diastasis or I think I may have one. Are your classes safe for me?

I have specific training and expertise with diastasis recti (and also was treated for it myself after the birth of my 3rd child) so I am able to guide you in your movement in a manner that is safe for your abdominals; I will also teach you exercises to help you heal your separation. If you have a diastasis recti, depending on the severity of your condition, you want to make sure you’re in a class where the instructor is trained and knowledgeable -- whether it is me or someone else. Some of the exercises in my videos may not be ideal for people with DR but when you encounter those exercises, I will offer a modification.

How often do you run in-person classes?

I typically run outdoor park classes in the Fall and Spring and I sometimes run indoor classes in the winter.

How do I sign up for a zoom class?

You can easily register for zoom classes here.

Can I cancel a zoom once I have paid?

All sales are final. However, as long as you cancel your Zoom class more than 12 hours before the scheduled time, your class will be returned to your account for use at a later date.


Have a question that hasn’t been answered? No worries. I’ve got ya.

Submit the form below and I will get back to you ASAP : )