As a mom who has experienced the sleepless nights, the sore boobs, the tantrums, the work-life balance conundrum, the many frustrations and many joys of motherhood, I get it. I will help you navigate through it…and at the same time, motivate you to tone your tush, find your waistline again, and become the strong, healthy mom you want — and deserve — to be.

Hi. I’m Chana.

(pronounced “Ha-na”)

As a fit and petite woman before babies, losing the weight after each of my children’s births was a real struggle. In those postpartum months, I felt as if I was wearing a 20-pound fat suit, and I wanted no part of the gym. I wanted — and needed — a comfortable setting where I could exercise with and among other new moms who were experiencing the same things that I was going through.  Lucky for me, after the birth of my first son in 2005, I stumbled upon a postnatal fitness class in Central Park. That class changed my body, and my life.

Fast forward a few years. I moved to Brooklyn, had a second son, worked my butt off to lose the weight a second time, and eventually left my 10 year career as a corporate attorney. It was time for this mom to do something more meaningful, more creative, more me. After some soul searching, I realized that I could combine my two greatest passions — fitness and motherhood. Move It Momma was born. I obtained my personal training certification and started working with clients and teaching groups classes in the park. Years later, my third (and last) child was born (a girl) and once again, I had to work super hard — this time in my 40′s — to lose the weight.

My daughter is now 6 years old and I have been working with the amazing community of Brooklyn mommas teaching fitness for 10+ years now. In addition to running Move It Momma, I also teach at other local studios including SLT (Strengthen Lengthen Tone) and the Ring Studio, and also spend parts of my summers teaching fitness to kids and staff at a sleepaway camp.

When Covid happened, it was the push I needed to finally take my business online -- something I have been thinking about doing for years. No longer limited by geographic constraints, now I have the opportunity to reach women all over the globe. Nothing makes me happier than seeing moms who I worked with years ago but who moved away from NY, now working with me again on screen.  


No matter whether you are working with me in person or remotely, my shtick is keeping it real. I don’t have a 6-pack  My videos are made in my living room and you’ll often see or hear my kids in the background. I don’t pretend that being a mom is always the best thing in the world (because it’s not). Bottom line, I don’t stand for the bullsh#t and that comes across in my teaching. Not only do I hope to educate you, motivate you and empower you, I aim to do so in a fully authentic and honest way. Move It Momma!





Here are the 2 boys who inspired it all…

(they are now 15 and 13 years old).